Collection list
Watch the Construction Process
I’ll be streaming my craft irregularly online on Kick and sometimes Twitch or YouTube.
Come and take a look. For the curious, we have published the information on our stream setup here.

Portfolio of Patterns
Want something of your own? Check out the patterns I have available!
Have some nifty fabric you want your bag made out of? It’ll be 10-15% off of the list price if you provide the fabric!
Walkthroughs & Tutorials

Edge Coating
Sealing the edges of vinyl, leather or cork with a colored coating.

Video: Waterproofing - Silicone

More Coming Soon!
What other walkthroughs or tutorials would you like to see? Drop us a line!
Now offering Acrylic Pattern Templates!!
Approved by the Pattern Designers, we now offer Custom Acrylic Pattern templates from XOXO Lauren! Visit her shop to purchase the pattern, and pick up the Acrylic Pattern Templates from us!
We'll also be expanding our offering of Acrylic Pattern Templates soon! If you know a Pattern Designer, share this with them! I'd love to work with more Designers!!
We're also offering other useful templates for around your shop! Including Rivet templates, purse feet templates, and engraved rulers!